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Showing posts from October, 2010

Why Internet Marketing Strategy is so Important

Nobody would start a business without a concrete business plan. If they do, the business is sure to fail. Similarly, nobody would place their expensive billboard advertisement where there is no traffic at all. It is extremely important to have a concrete strategic planning before you start your online presence. The correct plan when implemented properly will establish an effective online presence for your business. The design and development of your web site is no doubt, very important. But, at the same time, what is important is the correct Internet marketing strategy. It is one of the most efficient ecommerce marketing solutions. Without implementing a business plan, you will be rewarded with minimal sales and conversions. You might get adequate traffic, but it will all be irrelevant. Also, it might turn out that you are paying a lot for traffic leads but finding no conversions from that traffic. You will have almost no subscriptions to the newsletters or reports that you are offerin...

Effective Ecommerce Marketing Strategies

Every small business takes great pains to develop an e-commerce platform to generate revenues and make profits. But, sometimes you need to wait, wait and wait to see the results you expect. Attracting business online needs to follow a certain set of rules that are quite different from traditional mode of business. There are several ecommerce web marketing strategies that can prove effective for your online venture. These e-commerce marketing strategies are effective to generate revenues and has helped many businesses succeed online. They are: Website Search Engine Optimization Affiliate Marketing Blog Marketing Link Building Content/Article Marketing Social Bookmarking PPC Advertisement Each of the above strategies can be used individually or in combination to promote your services or products effectively. Internet marketing strategy should be a part of every online business plan. Successful online businesses are built around these strategies. It is necessary to have good knowledge and...